The 242nd Anniversary Commemoration of the House in the Horseshoe Battle
On a warm Saturday morning, on July 29th, Compatriots of the Sandhills SAR Chapter sponsored the 242nd Anniversary Commemoration of the Revolutionary War Battle of the House in the Horseshoe at the Alston House Historic site in Sandford, NC.
Compatriots from 10 North Carolina SAR Chapters, the President of the North Carolina State Society of the SAR, Steve Van Pelt, NCSSAR Officers, the North Carolina Color Guard led by NC State Color Guard Commander, Steve McKee (Mecklenburg Chapter), Regents and Daughters of five DAR Chapters of the NCSDAR, and Abbie Page, the State President, members of the Children of the American Revolution, and representatives of the Sons of the Revolution, all gathered to Honor the memory of our American Patriots and presented memorial wreaths.
The Keynote Speaker for this ceremony was Mr. William Caldwell from the National Park Service. His presentation was titled, “To Bear True Allegiance: Remembering the Revolution as a Divisive Event.”
Sandhills SAR Chapter Secretary, Mike Fusselbaugh served as Master of Ceremonies and the House in the Horseshoe Committee Chairman, Army COL(Ret.) Jonathan Battle did an Outstanding; job planning, leading, and implementing a program that made us All very proud. The Alston House reports that nearly 1,200 folks attended the SAR Ceremony and the Battle Reenactment during the day.
We want to especially thank all participants and presenters supporting this NCSSAR Patriotic Commemoration and especially all the Sandhills Compatriots that; volunteered, supported, and participated in this annual event. It was a Great Team effort and their work is greatly appreciated.