The North Carolina SAR was chartered 22 February 1911. The people, places and events of North Carolina during the Revolutionary War played the pivotal role in bringing the War to a victorious conclusion in Yorktown. There are so many historic battles, places and cemeteries located across the Old North State. We join together every month as chapters and compatriots to mark and honor the men, women and children who fought to bring freedom to our great country. We invite you to discover your own ancestry and history then become a part of the SAR.
We join together every month as chapters and Compatriots to mark and honor the Men, Women, and Children who fought to bring Freedom to our great Country. We invite you to discover your own ancestry and family history to then become part of the Sons of the American Revolution.
The Sandhills Chapter received it’s Sons of the American Revolution Charter during Constitution Week, on September 22, 2020, with 20 Charter Members to serve Moore County and the surrounding counties. If you prefer to participate in a local and active SAR chapter, we would welcome you to join us.
The Sandhills region of North Carolina is world renown for golf and equestrian activities. Boasting close to 40 prestigious golf courses nestled among the pine forests of North Carolina, the Sandhills region and Moore County has become synonymous with the word golf. 125 years after the founding of Pinehurst in 1895, the area has grown to be the home of over 100,000 residents in Moore County. There is a rich history to the Sandhills area which the Sandhills SAR Chapter seeks and strives to preserve.

National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution is a non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to promoting patriotism, preserving American history and teaching American history to future generations.
The Sons of the American Revolution was incorporated on January 17, 1890, in Connecticut and later chartered by the United States Congress on June 9, 1906. Prior to this date a number of state societies were formed in the 1880’s. These were led by The Sons of Revolutionary Sires organized July 4, 1876, in San Francisco. The first Congress of the National Society was held in Louisville, Kentucky on April 30, 1889, which was the 100th anniversary of George Washington’s taking the oath of office of President of the United States.