Sandhills Chapter Compatriots,

Our Monthly Chapter meeting will be held on November 15th, Tuesday, 6:00 PM, at the Pinehurst Village Chapel.

This will be a business meeting with business casual dress.

Our Speaker will be Compatriot Victor Burns who will present the story of his Revolutionary War Patriot, Nathan Stedman III. This is a very interesting story. 

We will be conducting our first SAR Patriot Grave Marking for Nathan Stedman III on the following Saturday, November 19th at the Pittsboro United Methodist Church in Pittsboro, NC We will also review the agenda of the SAR Grave Marking program of Nathan Stedman III.

Committee Chairmen are all asked to provide updated reports of their committee activities and an announcement about our chapter Holiday Dinner speaker and menu on Tuesday December 13th.



If you haven’t already submitted your 2023 SAR Dues check to Ramsey Blanks, please bring your 2023 Dues payment ($75) made to “Sandhills SAR Chapter” to the meeting and Save A Stamp

I know that we all are busy, time goes by, and we may forget to send in your dues. But, please take some time to send in your 2023 dues check and continue your SAR Membership into 2023. We have established a 100% Membership Retention chapter goal. Last year we received a Recognition Award from the National SAR Society for our Compatriot Retention.

If you cannot attend, please send your $75.00 annual check (Sandhills SAR Chapter) to Mr. Ramsey Blanks, 460 N. Ashe Street, Southern Pines, NC 28387.

We only have two weeks remaining to collect and submit all our SAR dues to the North Carolina Society on December 1st. Don’t let your SAR membership be dropped.

We look forward to seeing you all.

Fraternally Yours,  Bruce Fensley